Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tandem Flies, Strategies Year's Best

Marcus Schneck gives props to Charlie Meck's Fishing Tandem Flies and Mike Heck's Spring Creek Strategies in the Patriot News.
"Charles Meck, a Pennsylvania fly-fishing legend, explores a topic somewhat, but not entirely, familiar to many anglers with a thoroughness never before brought to the subject. His "Fishing Tandem Flies," from Headwater Books, New Cumberland, brings his standard depth of fly-fishing knowledge and depth of explanation to the subject of fishing more than one fly at one time. It's very well illustrated and represents everything anyone would need to know."

For other reviews of Fishing Tandem Flies, read Marc Williamson's review on and Joe Cornwall's review on

Schneck also writes: "Mike Heck of Chambersburg gives us the tools we need to tackle the famous spring creeks of our region and successfully pursue the trout that live there. It's all there in "Spring Creek Strategies" -- fly patterns, approach to the stream and the mental attitude of a trout -- and the wonderful photos of Jay Nichols take the whole package to a new level. The book is another special offering from Headwater Books in New Cumberland."

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